Wednesday, February 25, 2015

OSFX 20150225

Warm up:

* 1 pull up, 1 air squat on 1 min
* 2 pull up, 2 air squat on 2 min
* to failure


E2MOM for 20min
* 10 cal row
* 8 KB swings 55/35#
* 6 box jumps

Monday, February 23, 2015

OSFX 20150223

Warm up:
3 rounds:
* 300m row
* 30 sit-ups

8 rounds:
* 1 power clean @ 80%
* 1 squat clean @ 80%

10min AMRAP:
* 20 burpees
* 20 snatch 95/65#
* 20 pullups

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

OSFX 20150218


3x5 front squat AHAP


3 rounds:

* 10 strict pull ups
* 20 toes to bar
* 30 push ups
* 800m run

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

OSFX 20150211

Warm up:

3 rounds:

* 15 deadlifts 95/65#
* 8 burpees


* 6x deadlift 65%
* 5x 75%
* 4x 85%
* 1x 95%


For time:

* 500m row
* 50 wall balls
* 100 double unders
* 35 box jump overs
* 100 double unders
* 2 rope climbs
* 500m row

Monday, February 09, 2015

OSFX 20150209

"Daniel"  45min cap

* 50 pull ups
* 400m rum
* 21 thrusters 95/65#
* 800m run
* 21 thrusters
* 400m run
* 50 pull ups

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

OSFX 20150204

Warm up:

8min AMRAP:

* 50 DU
* 5 pull ups
* 1 rope climb


5x5 Overhead Squat MAX



* Power Clean 145/100#
* Toes to Bar

Monday, February 02, 2015

OSFX 20140202

Warm up 8 min:


* 5 HS pushups
* 15 air squats

20 AMRAP, climb the ladder

* 100m row
* 10KB swings 55/35#
* 10 burpees
* 200m ...