Wednesday, January 28, 2015

OSFX 20150128

Warm up:

3 rounds:

* 10 burpees
* 30 DU


* 1x6 DL 60%
* 1x5 DL 70%
* 1x4 DL 80%
* 1x1 DL 90%


* 21 DL 225/135#
* 21 PU
* 200m run
* 15 DL
* 15 PU
* 400m run
* 9 DL
* 9 PU
* 800m run

Monday, January 26, 2015

OSFX 20150126

Warm up:

3 rounds of

* 200m run
* 10 TTB

4x4 push press 70-80%

10min AMRAP:

* 15 box jumps
* 15 KB swings 55/35#
* 20 alternating lunges
* 400m run

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

OSFX 20150114

Warmup 10min:

* 20 sec handstand
* 10 KB swing 55/35#
* 10 sit-ups


* 4x4 power cleans 80-90%

10 min AMRAP:

* 5 sumo DL high pull 115/75#
* 10 toe to bar
* 15 pushups

Monday, January 12, 2015

OSFX 20150112

15 min weakness work

20 min AMRAP:
* 10 hand stand push ups
* 20 burpees
* 50 double unders

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

OSFX 20150107

Warm up:

Push jerk:  warm up to a set of 4 @ 70%, then 4-4-4 at 80-90%

Helen (3 rounds):

* 400m run
* 21 KB swings 55/35#
* 12 pull ups

Monday, January 05, 2015

OSFX 20150105

100 wall balls
80 calorie row
60 sit ups
40 pull ups
20 cleans 135/95#