Wednesday, May 13, 2015

OSFX 20150513

Warm up:
5x3 snatch

12 min AMRAP

* 6 hang snatch
* 9 push jerk
* 12 toes to bar
* 15 box jumps

Monday, May 11, 2015

OSFX 20150511

Warm up:
4x5 deadlift 70-85%

5 rounds for time:
* 25 cal row
* 16 CTB pull ups
* 9 hspu

Monday, May 04, 2015

OSFX 20150504

Warm up:

5x5 Deadlift 75%


5 rounds for time:
* 15 KB swings 2/1
* 15 deficit hand release push ups (25# plates)
* 400m run

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

OSFX 20150408

Warm Up:

7x2 squat clean 70%


12min AMRAP:
* 10 overhead squat 95/65#
* 20 KB swings 55/35#
* 30 double understand or 400m run

Thursday, March 26, 2015

OSFX 20150325

9, 15, 21, 15, 9:

Burpees, box jumps, pull ups
500m row

Monday, March 23, 2015

OSFX 20150323

Warm up:
3 rounds:
* 12 OH walking lunges 45/25#
* 12 Romanian deadlifts (bar)

8 sets
* power clean 80%
* squat clean 80%

4 rounds:
* 7 thrusters 95/65#
* 14 toes to bar
* 200m run

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

OSFX 20150318

DU skills work

5x5 front squat (heavy)

14 min AMRAP
* 30 wall balls 20/15#
* 20 cal row
* 10 shoulder to overhead 95/65#